5 April 2011

Common sense prevails in Lancaster

I've blogged before (here and here) about the application to install wind turbine(s) at Lancaster University (my former employer), and it finally appears that the council have approved a scheme, albeit reduced from the original plan for 2 turbines. In my humble opinion, this is great news, and a great example to other universities and public bodies.

As I prepare for ministry into the Church of England, which claims to care about God's earth, I am left wondering where I might find evidence of a similar example being set on renewable energy. Why can't we commit to at least auditing our estate, and looking at the energy saving opportunities? I'm not saying we ought to install solar panels on each and every church building (though that may be appropriate in some places), but we should at least have a plan.

If we have a plan, we should be telling people about it!

If we have a plan, someone please tell me where it is!

Shrinking the footprint seems a very noble enterprise, but where do I find evidence of it 'on the ground'?

I detect a ministerial soapbox in construction...

For further details of the Lancaster application, see here: Virtual Lancaster News Blog: Lancaster University gets go ahead for Wind Turbine


  1. I agree, on all counts, even though I believe wind turbines need some serious work before being as effecient as they could and should be. I know that reducing our footprint in line with campaigns from people such as Christian Aid is something that churches are encouraged to do, but it doesn't seem like central bodies (Church Commissioners, Church House(s), Connexional Team, etc.) are offering real, practical help on how to do that. If we are going to persuade the world that reducing our footprint is a moral imperative we have to live it, not just say it.

  2. I agree, though the current generation (pardon the pun) of turbines is much more efficient than early models.

    I really agree with you about persuading the world, but I wonder how we do it.

  3. I *think* there may have been something on my intensive about this. When we've got through the next however many weeks, I'll try and find it for you :)

  4. I was in the same intensive, but I suppose my point is that a website and some people talking about it in Cambridge doesn't necessarily amount to a carbon reduction.

    I know how much time, money and effort went into the Lancaster application, and I know that we're just not doing anything like it as a church. It needs a very strong lead, and I don't feel we are getting it right now.
